24 hour emergency Locksmith services in Toronto
Grater Locksmith Toronto offers complete lock and key services. We specialize in both commercial and private security solutions as well as automotive locksmith services. We provide 24 hour locksmith emergency services 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
If you ever have an emergency lock and key situation, call us and we’ll dispatch professional locksmiths your way!
Service is approved, legally bonded and licensed locksmith service providers, as well as recognized and approved for payment by major insurance companies.
24 hour locksmith solutions for the home, car, or commercial business:
Emergency locksmith services. Everyone knows that accidents usually happen at the worst of times but emergency services take the stress out:
* 24/7 Emergency Locksmith services
* Emergency vehicle opening
* Car lockout
* Extraction of broken ignition keys
* Master system re-key
* Emergency lockout of commercial property
* Emergency lockout of residential property
* Emergency re-key locks.
* Alarm systems
* CCTV (Closed Circuit Television systems)
* Exit devices
* Change/Install/Repair any type of lock
* Re-Key Locks